Clean 2019、400社以上が出展
2019年6月20~23日、米国ニューオーリンズで開催されるクリーニングの国際展示会「Clean 2019」の最新出展者リストが主催者から発表された。
アーネスト N. モリアル コンベンション センターを会場に、世界各国から400社以上が出展する。
ブース | 社名 |
1304 | 21st Century Dry Cleaners Route Pros |
1136 | A. L. Wilson Chemical Co. |
1637 | A. L. Wilson Chemical Co. |
3573 | A13 Srl |
1855 | ABG Systems |
4472 | Abrasive Technologies |
4752 | ABS Laundry Business Solutions |
4257 | Ace Heaters LLC |
3164 | ADI American Dawn |
4357 | Advanced Poly Packaging |
4816 | Air & Water Systems |
4427 | Air World Inc. |
4742 | Albatross USA Inc. |
3543 | Alliance Laundry Systems |
1730 | Alliant Systems |
1203 | American Associated |
1562 | American Changer |
1865 | American Laundry Products |
4702 | American Locker |
1167 | American Pride Linen Co. |
1364 | American Reusable Textile Association (ARTA) |
4645 | American Trade Magazines |
4659 | AMS Products/Object Design |
3906 | Angeline Group Ltd. |
1028 | ANKO |
1101 | AquaRecycle |
1643 | Aquawing Ozone Laundry Systems - AWOIS |
4227 | Arbelsoft Inc. |
1754 | ARCO/Murray National Construction Company |
2664 | ArtiClean Ozone Laundry Systems |
1233 | Assoc for Linen Mgmt. |
4215 | Association of Wedding Gown Specialists |
1209 | Automated Packaging Systems |
2154 | Automation Dynamics |
4273 | Autovalet Systems LLC |
1710 | B&C Technologies |
1811 | B&C Technologies |
4802 | Bahnson Mechanical Systems |
4868 | BC Textile Innovations Inc |
1820 | BCC Payments LLC |
1405 | Beck's Classic |
1404 | BeCreative 360 |
4926 | Beneficial Equipment Finance Corp. |
4424 | Biosan PAA |
4643 | Bissell Commercial |
4625 | BLC Textiles |
1463 | Bobco Systems Inc |
1262 | Boca Terry |
1866 | Bootie Butler |
4252 | BOWE Textile Cleaning GmbH |
3521 | Braun |
1831 | Brim Laundry Machinery Co., Inc. |
1309 | Brooks Waterburn Corp |
4172 | Brown-Eyed Girl Textiles |
3873 | Buckeye Pads and Covers |
4225 | Bundle Australia Pty Ltd |
3907 | Burkert Fluid Control Systems |
2564 | CACO Manufacturing Corp. |
1021 | Calderon Textiles |
4205 | Capital One |
1955 | Card Concepts Inc. |
1106 | Cart & Supply |
4611 | CBA Machines |
4657 | CDF Systems |
4758 | CeraMem LLC |
1631 | Chemtainer Ind/Maxi-Movers |
1166 | Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, LP |
3003 | Chicago Dryer Company |
4511 | Chief Clean |
4447 | Church & Dwight Co, Inc. |
3265 | Clayton Industries |
2603 | Clean Cycle Systems Lint Filters |
4543 | CleanCloud |
2267 | Cleaner and Launderer |
4243 | Cleaner Business Systems |
4542 | Cleaner's Supply |
1467 | ClearToken |
729 | CLM/Texfinity |
4405 | CM2W JSC |
2665 | CMV Sharper Finish, Inc. |
1243 | Coin Laundry Association |
4130 | Colmac Industries |
3943 | Columbia / ILSA Machines Corp. |
1734 | Commercial Coils, Inc. |
1213 | Computer Software Architects |
4510 | Computer Systems |
2365 | Consolidated Laundry Machinery |
2021 | Continental Girbau Inc |
2027 | Continental Girbau Inc |
4349 | Covers Etc. Inc |
4655 | CREASET Permanent Crease Systems |
4700 | CryptoPay/WorldPay |
4411 | Cupron |
1863 | |
4612 | D.J. Giancola Exports, Inc. |
4311 | Dajisoft, Inc. |
4258 | Dark POS |
1114 | Darman Manufacturing Co., Inc. |
2255 | Datamars, Inc. |
4415 | Davis Packaging |
1162 | deister electronic GmbH |
2227 | Dexter Laundry Inc |
2536 | Dexter Laundry Inc |
4431 | Diamond Chemical Co. Inc. |
4272 | Dimmid Inc |
1313 | Doxon Mfg. Co. |
4324 | DropLocker |
1442 | Drycleaning & Laundry Institute |
1766 | Duncan Fabricating Company, Inc. |
730 | Dunnewolt B.V. |
921 | Dura-Cast Products, Inc. |
1037 | Dynaric Inc. |
4006 | EAM-Mosca Corp. |
2305 | Eastern Funding |
4858 | ECC Horizon |
2520 | Ecolab |
4247 | EcoTex Ozone Laundry Technology |
2843 | EDRO |
1057 | Ekostar Textiles |
3343 | Ellis Corporation |
1366 | Encompass Group LLC |
3911 | Energenics Corp |
1047 | Ensign Emblem |
3807 | Envirochem, Inc. |
4664 | EnviroForensics |
1743 | ESD |
3874 | Euro Systems Corp |
4143 | European Finishing Equipment |
1659 | Eurotape BV |
4671 | Evercare/Butler Home Products |
4866 | Evoqua Water Technologies LLC |
4312 | EzProducts International Inc |
4310 | Fabricare Canada magazine |
4635 | Fabricare Management Systems |
1502 | Fashion Seal Healthcare |
2109 | Felins USA Inc. |
4665 | Felrap World Inc. |
4621 | Fibertech Inc. |
2657 | Firbimatic |
935 | First Film Extruding |
4746 | F-MATIC Inc. |
1409 | Foltex |
3821 | Forenta, L.P. |
4211 | Foster-Stephens, Inc. |
4607 | FRSTeam, Inc. |
4106 | Fujitsu Frontech North America |
2765 | Fulton Boiler Works |
1301 | G.S. Manufacturing |
4521 | Garment Management Systems |
1154 | Gemu Valves |
1362 | George Courey Inc. |
3872 | GKC Corp |
4656 | Golden Star |
4854 | Gotli Labs AG |
4455 | GreenEarth Cleaning |
4201 | Greenwald Industries |
1702 | Gurtler Industries, Inc. |
4105 | Gusher Pump |
2221 | Hamilton Engineering Inc. |
4369 | HamperApp |
4425 | Hanel Storage Systems |
4531 | Hans-Joachim Schneider GmbH |
4473 | Harris Pillow Supply, Inc. |
4744 | Hartdean Ltd |
4567 | Hayikama |
4610 | Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council |
4173 | Heat Seal, LLC |
1824 | High Mark Manufacturing, Inc. |
4925 | HJ Weir Engineering |
4421 | HJLite |
4571 | HK Textiles Inc. |
1962 | H-M Company |
1563 | Hoffman Mint |
2864 | Hoffman New Yorker |
3803 | Hot Water Products |
4465 | Hunt Textiles |
4102 | Hurst Boiler |
4528 | Hutchinson Belt Drive Systems |
4321 | Hydro Systems Company |
1964 | Hydrofinity |
1566 | Imonex Services Inc. |
1567 | Imonex Services Inc. |
4564 | Independent Textile Rental Association |
1266 | Industrial Gold Air Compressors |
4613 | Indy Hanger & Supply |
4003 | Infinite Creative Enterprises Inc |
4808 | Infinite Creative Enterprises Inc |
4666 | InnoClean Corporation |
2265 | Innovative Management Designs |
736 | Inox Milton |
4451 | Irving Weber Associates (IWA) |
1453 | Isuzu Commercial Truck of America |
4443 | Italclean Srl |
4165 | Itsumi USA, Inc. |
1803 | J.P. Equipment, Inc |
2621 | JENSEN USA Inc. |
2103 | Jiangsu Sea-lion Machinery Co., Ltd. |
4372 | JLT Co., Ltd. |
1265 | JS Fiber Co., Inc. |
1401 | Kaeser Compressors, Inc. |
3021 | Kannegiesser ETECH |
2965 | Kemco Systems, Co. LLC |
4325 | Keycolour Inc. |
4374 | KioSoft Technologies, LLC |
4673 | Kleen-Rite, Inc. |
4850 | Kleen-Tex Industries Inc. |
4924 | Klopp Coin Counters |
4210 | Korean Cleaners Monthly |
2357 | Kreussler, Inc. |
1365 | Lac-Mac Limited |
1621 | Lapauw USA, LLC |
1300 | Lattner Boiler Co. |
3673 | Laundroworks Card Systems |
1267 | Laundry Logic, LLC |
2642 | Laundrylux |
2063 | LaundryPass |
4414 | Laundry-Trak |
2343 | Lavatec Laundry Technology Inc |
3672 | Lavo Solutions |
4572 | LCT |
3902 | Leebaw Manufacturing |
2943 | Leonard Automatics |
720 | LG Electronics |
721 | LG Electronics |
1146 | Linen Tech |
2360 | Low Cost Mfg Co |
3811 | M&B Hangers |
4459 | M+A Matting, LLC |
2537 | Maestrelli Srl |
4402 | Magid |
4111 | Main Street Hub |
4768 | Mainetti |
4464 | Mamute Laundry |
4468 | Marina Textiles, Inc. |
4864 | Maruso USA Inc. |
1113 | Material Flow Systems |
4513 | Maxi Companies |
3805 | MaxiMizer Systems |
4601 | Maxi-Press Elastomeric, Inc |
1025 | Maxon Lift Corp. |
1731 | Medline Industries Inc |
1352 | Meese |
1305 | Memories Gown Preservation |
1432 | Messe Frankfurt Inc |
2008 | Metalprogetti |
1055 | Micross Automation Systems |
1112 | Midwest Specialty Products |
4121 | Miele, Inc. |
1520 | Milliken & Company |
1402 | Million Dollar Collar |
2503 | MIP Inc. |
4301 | Miura America Co., Ltd. |
4766 | Mobile Computing Corp. Inc. (MCC) |
1762 | Monarch Brands |
1158 | Monarch Coin & Security |
1165 | Moonsoft International |
1153 | Morgan & Morgan Olson |
4002 | Movexx |
4343 | Multimatic |
4824 | Naomoto Corp. / Apparel Machinery & Supply Co. |
4764 | National Cleaners Association |
4307 | National Clothesline |
1862 | National Combustion Co., Inc (NATCO) |
3903 | Navien, Inc. |
4710 | Nayax |
4514 | NIE Insurance |
1321 | Norchem Corporation |
4814 | Noritz |
1504 | NuMat Systems LLC |
4448 | Olin Corporation |
4501 | OMNI Solutions |
1943 | Onnera Group |
2309 | Onnera Group |
1264 | Otto Trading, Inc. |
1400 | PAC Strapping Products |
1031 | Parker Boiler Co. |
4820 | Paypont |
929 | PayRange |
1565 | paystri |
2703 | Pellerin Milnor |
4524 | Penco Products Inc. |
4410 | Penn Emblem Company |
4305 | Pepin Mfg., Inc. |
1049 | Phoenix Textile Corporation |
1156 | Pivot |
1163 | Planet Laundry Magazine |
1131 | Planiform Conveyors Inc. |
1063 | Plexus Industries |
3965 | Polypack GmbH & Co. KG |
3665 | Pony Spa |
4557 | Poseidon Textile Care Systems LLC |
2511 | Positek RFID |
1758 | Prime Capital, Inc. |
4774 | Pristine Collars |
1065 | Quietaire Cooling Inc. |
2420 | R&B Wire Products, Inc. |
1024 | R. L. Williams Company |
4221 | R.R. Street & Co. Inc. |
1125 | R.W. Martin & Sons Inc. |
4373 | Railexcorp |
4401 | RAMCO Laundry Machinery, Inc. |
4467 | Rampi S.r.l. |
3755 | RealStar USA |
2405 | Reed Mfg. Co. |
1104 | / Block Bindings & Interlinings |
4113 | Rema Dri-Vac Corp. |
1032 | Rennco LLC |
4233 | Renzacci SPA |
4512 | Revista Multiservicios |
4712 | Revitec |
1121 | Riegel Linen Co. |
1311 | Rochester Midland Corp |
1663 | Rome Conveyors |
4566 | Rotational Molding Inc. |
1963 | Royal Basket Trucks |
1201 | Royal Blue Textiles |
1662 | Ryco Conveyors Inc. |
4810 | San-Ai Industries Inc. |
4860 | Sanitone by Fabritec |
3829 | Sankosha USA, Inc. |
2303 | SanMar |
4535 | SEITZ, The Fresher Company, Inc. |
4631 | SEKO Dosing Systems Corp. |
1110 | Select Risk Insurance Services Inc. dba Select Programs |
4760 | Sensotechnics USA |
2409 | Setomatic Systems - SpyderWash |
738 | Shanghai Lijing Washing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd |
3155 | Shanghai Sailstar/Everstrong Commercial Products |
3855 | Shanghai Weishi Machinery |
4800 | ShinePay |
4404 | Sigma Garment Films |
1225 | Sigmatex-Lanier Textiles |
1030 | Sintex |
4573 | SmartBuy TK |
4704 | SMC Corporation of America |
4565 | SNA Manufacturing LLC |
2855 | Softrol Systems |
4313 | SonicAire Inc. |
4011 | Spartan Chemical Company |
1765 | Spector Textile Products |
2611 | Spindle |
2002 | Spot Business Systems |
2264 | Springboard |
1408 | Springpress |
1667 | SRS Conveyors |
4400 | Stahls Hotronix |
1221 | Standard Change-Makers, Inc. |
3364 | Standard Textile |
4804 | Starchup, Inc |
2261 | Storms Industries, Inc. |
1462 | Streamline Solutions |
4367 | Striem |
4406 | STRY-Lenkoff Co |
1763 | SUDSY Vending Supplies |
4505 | Sumal |
1666 | System Laundry Management, Co |
925 | Tagitron |
1363 | Tap Laundry |
1353 | TBR Associates |
4327 | Texas Automation Products, Inc. |
1466 | Texas Microfiber Inc |
1543 | Textile Care Allied Trades Assoc. |
4653 | Textile Services Magazine |
4714 | Textile Technologies |
1020 | The DECC Company |
4553 | The Huntington Company |
1043 |, Inc. |
2161 | Thermal Engineering of Arizona |
2403 | Thermopatch |
1263 | Thomaston Mills |
4004 | Thornell Corporation |
4265 | Tide Cleaners |
1354 | Tingue |
3355 | Tolon Global Makina San. ve. Tic. A.S. |
4021 | Trevil America Inc. |
1533 | TRSA, the Association for Linen, Uniform and Facility Services |
1143 | U.N.X. Incorporated |
1655 | U.S. Jaclean, Inc. |
3143 | Union Drycleaning Products |
3743 | Unipress Corporation |
3565 | UniSec Div. of New York Machinery |
4365 | United Soybean Board |
4652 | United Textile Distribution |
1736 | United Wire Hanger/UWH Industries |
4101 | Unitex International, Inc |
1755 | Utilimaster |
1410 | Valmet |
2142 | Vega systems USA |
3865 | VEIT |
4212 | |
1921 | Vend-Rite Mfg. Co. Inc |
1509 | Venus Group |
4525 | VF Workwear |
1130 | Vintex Inc |
732 | Vita Microfiber International LLC |
1109 | Voltea |
4661 | Wasatch Co. |
2165 | Wash-Dry-Fold POS |
4256 | Washin Jax |
2364 | Webb & Son Sewing Machine Sales, Inc |
4550 | Wedding Gown Preservation Co. |
4667 | Wesvic Systems |
1657 | wh Münzprüfer Dietmar Trenner GmbH |
3602 | Whirlpool Corporation |
1501 | White Conveyors , Inc |
4916 | Williamson-Dickie |
4922 | Winona Services |
1500 | WonderWink |
1067 | Woodbine Products Co. |
4773 | World Trading Company, Inc |
1553 | WSI |
4065 | YAC Japan |
1132 | Yamada |
2556 | Yamamoto Japan Inc. |
3765 | Yamamoto Japan Inc. |
4822 | Zecron Textiles |